Tip of the iceberg or small subgroup? Are ‘authoritarian rules’ causing mental health issues?

Anyone that works in schools understands the immense challenges facing young people today. Mental health issues and school attendance are at the forefront of everyone’s minds. Absenteeism is considered such a large issue that in England there is a national drive to improve it, and a TeacherTapp survey from last year shows clearly that teachersContinue reading “Tip of the iceberg or small subgroup? Are ‘authoritarian rules’ causing mental health issues?”

Learning Communities

On #edutwitter and social media in general, we most often see the polished outcome. We see what people want us to see. Sometimes this is inspiring and pushes us to be better. Sometimes it is demoralising, seeing a standard that appears unobtainable. On a pastoral level, we often have similar conversations with students about theContinue reading “Learning Communities”

What We Do

This is What We Do. WWD for short. It is the language of teaching and learning in our school, and acts as a framework for staff to use. There is nothing revolutionary in it  – there can’t be. We designed it three years ago in response to our needs. We needed to have a commonContinue reading “What We Do”

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